About the Journal

Journal of Human Centered Technology (HumEnTech) is an international journal, covering new insight in science and technology related to analysis and application on human. HumEnTech provides a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of research and review articles which encompasses new methods/innovative practices, new discoveries, latest research findings, critical evaluations and critical surveys on human related subjects/topics.

The journal welcomes contribution from the following research areas but not limited to:

Human-computer interaction
Assistive technology
Sport technology
Health informatics
Human-systems integration
Nutritional technology
Artificial intelligence for human technology

Established year: 2021
Publisher: Penerbit UTM Press
e-ISSN: 2821-3467

Peer Review Process

The journal adapts double-blind review concept where both reviewer and author identities are concealed from one another, to ensure good articles are published. Our reviewers therefore play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of the journal.

The Editor shall inform the review results as soon as possible, not more than 6 months. The Editors’ decision is final and no negotiation is allowed. All correspondences, including notification of the Editors’ decision and requests for revision, will be sent by email and will be updated in the submission system.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that, research are freely available to the public which directly support the greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published online with a frequency of two issues per year (February and August).